This is an overview of how to migrate your Highrise data to Nimble.
What can I migrate from Highrise?
You may migrate your contacts to Nimble and their associated contact data.
What won't I be able to migrate from Highrise?
You will not be able to migrate the following:
- Individually logged notes
- Deals
- Messages
What can I do about this important information?
For Notes - You may consolidate notes into the "Description" column on your CSV import, and import notes in a block of text.
For Deals - We do not have support for deal imports at this time, and you will need to migrate data manually into Nimble.
For Messages - We sync messages automatically to Nimble from your email accounts, therefore, we will fetch the previous 90 days' worth of emails when you first connect your email accounts to Nimble, and we will sync all future correspondence.
Highrise to Nimble CSV Import Tutorial
Step 1. Delete Columns A and B from Highrise CSV export:
Highrise CSV exports have two starting columns that are redundant for Nimble, “Kind” and “Name”. Both of these columns should be deleted because Nimble maps contacts by their First Name, Last Name format.
Step 2. Add a new row:
Insert a new row for Row 2 in your CSV file so you can make quick edits to each header that needs changing.
Step 3. Changing Address Fields to Nimble Format:
Highrise Format:
Address- Work Street
Address – Work City
Address – Work state
Address - Work Zip
Address – Work Country
Nimble Format
Work Address 1 - Street
Work Address 1 - City
Work Address 1- State
Work Address 1 - Zip
Work Address 1 – Country
(Note: The same logic follows for Home and Other addresses, but be sure to list them in increasing numerical order. So if you have Work, Home, and Other addresses, they will have “1”, “2”, and “3”, for each of their related headers)
Step 4. Adjusting Email Headers for Nimble:
Highrise Format
Email Address – Work
Email Address – Home
Email Address – Other
Nimble Format
Work Email 1
Personal Email 2
Other Email 3, Other Email 4, and so forth.
Step 5. Setting up Phone headers for Nimble:
Highrise Format:
Phone Number – Work
Phone Number – Mobile
Phone Number – Fax
Phone Number – Pager
Phone Number – Home
Phone Number - Skype
Phone Number – Other
Nimble Format:
Work Phone 1
Mobile Phone 2
Home Phone 3
Main Phone 4
Home Fax Phone 5
Work Fax Phone 6
Other Phone 7
Note: these numbers can change, you can have multiple work phones, other phones, etc. But, users must make sure to maintain the correct ordering format.
Nimble does not have an option for a pager, so change the heading to “Other Phone” or create a custom header as “Pager”
Also note, Nimble does not map Skype as a phone number but instead is headed with “Skype ID 1”, “Skype ID 2”, etc.
Step 6. Adjusting your URL headers:
Highrise Format:
Web address – Work
Web address – Personal
Web Address – Other
Nimble Format:
Work URL 1
Personal URL 2
Other URL 3, 4 and so forth
Note: Nimble does not limit how many URLs you list, but you must list them in sequential order.
Step 7. Adjusting your social headers:
Highrise Format:
Twitter account – Personal
Twitter account – Business
Twitter account – Other
Instant messenger kind – work
Instant messenger kind – personal
Instant messenger – personal
Instant messenger kind – other
Instant messenger – other
b. Nimble Format:
Because Nimble syncs with your social accounts, you can import these fields as custom fields, so you can title a category with Twitter URLs as “Twitter Personal”, “Twitter Business”, etc, but you do not want to put a “-“ in the title.
Nimble does not have a field for instant messenger accounts besides SkypeID, so you can use a custom field titled "Instant Messenger" to include that information in Nimble.
Step 8. Issues with cells containing two separate pieces of data.
Highrise exports will combine two data fields into one cell, separated by a comma. To resolve this issue, you will have to split the cell by using text to column. (Note: This issue can happen with any multiple of data, most often with phone numbers and address fields. (For example, Other Phone 1 and Other Phone 2 in Nimble would appear under the same header of “Other Phone” as “######,######” – need to have comma value separator in these columns).
Next to columns with comma separator, need to create a new column to the right with a new header. Then go to Data>> Text to Columns >> Delimited, and use comma as the separator. (For more information on using text to columns, see this article:
(Note: this is much easier to work with when you have a phone number cell to separate. If you have to separate addresses, you will have to manually move the pieces of data to the correct field because there will be more than 1 column separating the address fields. This is because common addresses in Nimble CSV imports share 5 fields near one another).
Step 9. Finishing Up:
After editing the headers in Row 2, delete the Highrise headers from Row 1 and move your data up by 1 row to line up the data and headers properly.
Once you’ve completed these steps, select “Save As…” and select CSV (MS-DOS) format. To upload your new import, go to Settings >> Import contacts in Nimble and upload this as Generic CSV format.
If you have any questions, please write us at, initiate a chat from this FAQ, or join one of our Nimble Onboarding and Best Practices sessions, held every weekday at 9 AM PT.