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Create and manage your dashboards
Ionia avatar
Written by Ionia
Updated over a week ago

Nimble's new Reports feature now enables you to create new dashboards for different reporting purposes. Dashboards can be shared with other team members in your account or made private to the owner, cloned and customized to help you stay organize and meet your business goals. To reduce clutter, dashboards can also be deleted.


Customize your dashboards

To get started creating your dashboards, navigate to your Reports tab then click

"New Dashboard".

A form will appear where you'll be able to enter the dashboard name and choose privacy option and visibility.

The dashboard can be "Shared with everyone" which allows everyone to view the report. Or "Private to owner" enabling just the dashboard creator to view and edit.

When dashboards are shared with everyone, a "Shared Dashboards" section is created within the Reports tab. Dashboards under “Shared Dashboards” are view only and cannot be edited.

Reported Deals Privacy will list two options to determine which set of deals should be displayed in the report dashboard:

  • Only Visible Deals - displays only deals that are not marked private by the owner of the deal

  • All Deals - displays all deals regardless of privacy setting

User Selection Control will list three options to determine which set of users can be selected from the dropdown "Users" filter for each individual report and table. Sometimes you don’t want people to see other user’s performance, this switch handles it.

  • Any Individual User - grant permission to select any individual or group of individuals

  • Only Themselves - can only select themselves

  • Themselves and All - can select themselves and aggregate groups of more than one individual that they belong to (This will allow you to select “Team” and current user, not custom groups of people.)

These two dashboard level switches can only be changed by individuals that are both the creator of the dashboard and have "Deal Pipeline Management" permission which can be set in Settings >> Privacy Settings by the admin.

Learn more here: Nimble Privacy Settings

These two switches will default to “Only Visible Deals” and “Only Themselves” for users without sales manager permission.

Once you've created your dashboard, you can add reports to your dashboard and customize it.

Manage your dashboards

Once your dashboard is created, you will be presented with Dashboard Filters. These filters eliminate the need to edit report filters for every report. These filters will be applied to all reports added to the dashboard unless indicated otherwise by report filters.

Filtering Options

The following dashboard filter options are included:

User Dropdown can be selected from the list to display reports for a particular team member or for yourself. This will allow you to select “Team” and current user, not custom groups of people.

Date Range Selector which allows the user to choose which specific date range the dataset is based on. Specific date ranges (i.e Dec 8th - Feb 11th), relative dates (today, yesterday etc.), relative periods (last week, this month, next quarter etc.) and rolling periods (past two weeks, next month etc.), enter # of days are included in the dropdown.

Time Grouping - bars on a graph will show data for day, month, week, etc.

Active Pipeline Selector helps to focus your reports on a specific pipeline. You can always choose other pipelines for individual reports.

Add Reports

You can now add Reports to your dashboard. To do this, just click "Add Report" at the top.

To learn more about each individual report, check out the following:

Modify Dashboards

The option to edit the dashboard is always available as a way to make changes to filters that were set or reports that were selected.

Click "Edit Dashboard" to launch edit mode. From here, you can change the dashboard filters or the report filters. You can also rename the dashboard and report, change privacy, pipelines, etc.

Add Reports

Click "Add report" and choose from the dropdown list of reporting options. Hovering over each will give you a graphic and a brief description of that report.

Re-arrange Reports

To rearrange reports, grab the top right-hand corner and drag into place.

Remove Report

Click "Remove Report" to remove it from the dashboard then select "Close Edit Mode" to save changes.

Resize a Report

Change the dimensions of the report by clicking the layout icon next to Report Layout.

This feature is not available for "Deals lost by reason" report.

Interact with Reports

Each report is interactive allowing you to see which deals are in a particular stage. When you click on a bar or graph, a side panel will display all of the related deals and you can choose a deal to get the full details.

Duplicate Dashboard

If you are happy with your dashboard and know you'll want to use it for other reporting purposes, you can always duplicate it.

To duplicate the dashboard, just click the 3 dots at the top and click "Duplicate Dashboard". Nimble will copy the name of the dashboard, filters, reports, etc and create a new one that can be found in the left column of your Reports tab.

Deleting Dashboard

If you are no longer finding use in the dashboard you created, you can always remove it. Just click the 3 dots then choose "Delete dashboard".

If you have any questions, please write us at, initiate a chat from this FAQ, or join one of our Nimble Onboarding and Best Practices sessions, held every weekday at 9 AM PT.

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