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Customize your dashboard with Reports
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Written by Ionia
Updated over a week ago

Once you have created your dashboard you can customize it and add reports to meet your business needs. To learn more about creating your dashboard reports, take a look at the following: Create and manage your dashboards

Add reports to your dashboard

To add a new report to your dashboard, visit your Reports tab, choose your dashboard then click "Add Report". In the Report dropdown list, you can search or browser for reports.

These reports include the following:

Pipeline Funnel - Displays a graph of how well deals convert between stages. It shows all deals won or lost by the chosen user, in the selected pipeline, whose close date fall within the specified time period.

This report allows you to track the conversion rate of deals at each stage of your sales pipeline so you can identify which stages have the lowest conversion rates and make adjustments to improve those stages.

It can help you see if something like the conversion rate at the proposal stage is low. Now, you have an action item, and you know that you may want to review and improve your proposal process.

Deals won over time - Tracks how much revenue has been won over time. It is all deals won by the chosen user, in the selected pipeline(s), whose close date fall within the specified time period.

The Deals Won Over Time report is a great way to track your sales progress and identify trends over time. With this, you can see how your sales performance is progressing and make adjustments as needed.

It can help you notice something like a dip in deals won during a particular month, which may lead you to investigate the cause and take steps to improve your sales performance in that month.

Deal progress - View how many deals are entering each stage. It shows all deals open, won, or lost by the chosen user, in the selected pipeline, that experienced stage movement during the specified time period.

Revenue Forecast - See how well your pipeline is projected to perform. This reports displays all deals open or won by the chosen user, in the selected pipeline(s), whose close date (if applicable) fall within the specified time period.

Revenue forecasting allows you to predict future revenue based on current deals in your sales pipeline. This will help your sales team see the projected value of your pipeline relative to the coming months, quarters, and years.

Nimble's Revenue Forecast report can be incredibly valuable when trying to make informed business decisions. For example, if you forecast a significant increase in revenue, you may want to hire more salespeople or invest in new products.

Average duration per stage - Gain insights into your typical sales process. It displays a graph of the average amount of days it took to move deals through a pipeline stage in a selected date range for a team or individual user. The report then delivers the average amount of days it takes to complete the sales cycle.

This report helps you to gain insights into your typical sales process. It is a count of the number of days a deal has been in a particular sales stage, specifically for the date range selected and the user. It is used to understand which stage of the sales process takes the most time and with this information, a sales manager can do more accurate forecasting and modify stages that tend to take longer than what’s expected.

Lost by Stage - See how many deals were lost by stage. Hovering over will display the reason the deal was lost. This shows all deals lost by the chosen user, in the selected pipeline(s), whose close date fall within the specified time period.

The Deals Lost by Stage report allows you to view the number of deals that have been lost at each stage in your sales pipeline. It can help you identify which pipeline stages are causing the most losses and adjust accordingly

For example, if you find that many deals are being lost at the proposal stage, you may want to review and improve your proposal process. By identifying which pipeline stages have the most losses, you can focus on improving those stages. This can help you increase the number of deals that are won and improve overall sales performance.

Deals lost by reasons - Find out why deals are being lost. This report shows all deals lost by the chosen user, in the selected pipeline(s), whose close date fall within the specified time period. It is organized by deals that fall under specific lost reasons. Hovering over it will display the amount of deals closed with that particular lost reason.

You may find that most deals are being lost due to a lack of budget, for example. That would signal to you that you should focus on targeting higher-budget clients. By understanding the reasons why deals are being lost, you can make adjustments to your sales strategy or pipeline to address those issues.

To create lost reasons, edit the Deal Pipeline by going to Settings >> Deals Pipeline.

Click on the report to add it to your dashboard.

Average deal value - Learn the average amount of money a business makes per deal's won. The average deal value report shows the average amount of deals won over a selected period of time. It can also be filtered by pipeline, date range, and user.

This report can help as a key performance indicator that guides your sales team in better understanding the sales process and trends in the sales metrics. It can be used to improve the performance of your sales team or identify the price points at which leads are most likely to convert.

Activities Completed and Planned - This report shows deal activities that were planned and completed during the selected time period by pipeline, date range, and user. Activities include Calls, Events, Emails, Tasks, Notes, and custom activity types. Activities will need to be added to a deal to display in this report.

On the report, each activity is color-coded, and hovering over it will show many tasks, calls or emails are in either the to-do list or completed list for that time period and pipeline. At the top, you will see a tally of activities that need to be completed and activities that are done.

This report can help your sales team to determine how their customers like to interact and what type of activities is helping to engage customers the most.

Report Filtering Options

The data that displays in each report will depend on the dashboard or report filters. You can filter all reports on a dashboard or filter individual reports. For better analysis, you should filter the data for each report to a specific date range, specific pipeline and specific user.

Filters applied to a report will override any filters set to the dashboard.

To learn more about dashboard filter, check out the following:

Filter a specific report on your dashboard

To add and save the selected filters to specific reports on your dashboard, click "Edit Dashboard". View the "Report Filters" on the report you want to filter.

A drop-down list will appear and you can adjust the User, Time Period, Time Grouping and Pipeline of that report. Please note: Time Grouping is not available on all reports

When you are ready, click "Close Edit Mode" to save the changes.

When you revisit that dashboard, you will see your selections.

To quickly filter your reports, just view the report you want to filter and click "Filter".

A drop-down list will appear and you can adjust the User, Time Period, Time Grouping and Pipeline of that report. Please note: Time Grouping is not available on all reports

Filtering done this way will not save your changes when revisiting the dashboard.

Move and resize reports on your dashboard

Reports can be rearranged so that you are seeing what's most important to you or resized to get a full data analysis.

To do this, visit the dashboard of your choice then choose "Edit Dashboard".

To rearrange, grab the top right-hand corner of the report and drag it into place.

To resize a report, click the layout icon next to Report Layout.

To learn more about modifying reports and dashboards, take a look at the following: Modify Dashboards

Interact with Reports

Each report is interactive allowing you to see which deals are in a particular stage. When you click on a bar or graph, a side panel will display all of the related deals and you can choose a deal to get the full details.

If you have any questions, please write us at, initiate a chat from this FAQ, or join one of our Nimble Onboarding and Best Practices sessions, held every weekday at 9 AM PT.

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