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Nimble Contacts Tab Overviews
Nimble Contacts Tab Overviews

All the features you'll find in the Contacts Tab

Ionia avatar
Written by Ionia
Updated over 3 months ago

tNimble enables you to import contacts from multiple sources including CSV files, vCard, social and email accounts, and third party integrations to start organizing your database and build stronger relationships with your customers. 

If you haven't yet, visit the Contacts tab and click "Import Contacts". This will redirect you to Settings >> Import Contacts where you can start setting up your account. 

Take a look at our "Get Started: Importing Your Contacts To Nimble" article for more details.

Once your contacts have been added to Nimble, they will display in the Contacts tab. 

Adding a Person and/or Company 

In addition to adding contacts in bulk through the Import Contacts page, contacts and companies can also be created individually using the "Add Person" and "Add Company" buttons at the top of the page.

Start by clicking "Add a person". A window will pop-up with the option to add the person's "Name", "Title", "Company", "Email" and "Phone". Or click "Continue Editing" to add more information.

Selecting "Add Company" will provide you with the option to enter a name and domain for the company. Or click "Continue Editing" to add more information.

Automated Contact Filters

Nimble will automatically sort your contacts into their designated filters. To the left, you'll see the filters below:

All Contacts - View all of you and your team’s companies and contacts.

People - View all contacts you and your team have imported.

Companies - View all companies you and your team have imported.

Marked Important - View all contacts that you have starred to mark as important. 

Nimble Tip: You may sort the All, Important, People, and Company lists by Last Contacted Date, Creation Date, and Name.

Recently Viewed - See the last 30 contacts you have recently viewed.

Recently Added - View contacts that were recently added.

Recently Contacted - View contacts that were recently contacted by your team via email or social media.

**Only Public conversations are shared. Private conversations do not factor into this feature.**

Stay in Touch - View contacts you marked with the “Stay in Touch” feature. For more information about this feature, please visit the following link: Stay in Touch Feature Overview

Removed Contacts - View contacts in your trash bin and permanently deleted

Bulk Updating Features

Automatically mark a group of contacts as important, set "Stay In Touch" time intervals, apply tags, merge, export and delete contacts or send them a group message all in bulk.

Select all or a few contacts then apply:

Star icon - Mark a contact as important or not important

"Stay In Touch" icon - Set time intervals for how often you'd like to keep in touch with the group of contacts

Tag icon - Group the contacts by applying a tag

Merge button - Duplicate entries can be merged using this button

Export button - Extract contacts from Nimble to a CSV file, vCard or MailChimp account

Trash icon - Move contacts to your trash bin (to be deleted automatically after 30 days unless otherwise indicated) 

"Send Group Message" button - Send a group message to the selected contacts

Inline Editing

We've added an inline editing feature to enable you to edit fields directly from the contact listing table. This will save you time with jumping between edit forms to update different records. Now all changes can be made on the same page.

To edit a field, simply hover over the field and click the pencil icon.

Organizing Your Contacts With Tags

The quickest way to organize your contacts is by applying a Tag, which can be applied during import and in-app.

Once tags are added to your contacts and company, they will appear in the Tag section.

To learn more about using Tags to organize your contacts, take a look at the following support article: Nimble Tags Overview

Organizing Your Contacts With Saved Segments

The Segment Search feature in Nimble allows you to search across many data fields to help you organize your contacts into lists. Once you've organized your contacts into lists, you can take bulk actions, send group messages, and set follow-up tasks. 

After a saved segment has been created, it will appear on the left side of the screen. Saved Segments that have been marked as important will appear towards the top of your list.

Saved segments can now be shared with your team members. Once a segment is created, just click the padlock icon to share it with your team.

To learn more about creating Saved Segments, take a look at the following support article: Nimble Segmentation Overview

Sorting Options

Contacts can be sorted by First Name, Last Name, Last Contacted by Team and Creation Date from the following types of lists in Nimble:

Once you select a list, you may sort by following the steps below:  

  1. In the Contacts tab, select one of the filters from the default lists or custom lists (as indicated above) and then choose a category to sort by. 

  2.  Select the up or down arrow to sort top-to-bottom or vice-versa. 

Check out this support article to learn more about searching and sorting contacts in Nimble: How To Search and Sort Contacts In Nimble

Custom Table Settings 

Create the order in which your field lists display by using "Table Settings". 

If you want to customize your columns, check out our article - How To: Create Saved Segments with Custom Columns.

If you have any questions, please write us at, initiate a chat from this FAQ, or join one of our Nimble Onboarding and Best Practices sessions, held every weekday at 9 AM PT. 

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